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Showing posts from 2016

The Power of Concentration

                                                      The Power of Concentration When we really take time out to focus we can concentrate. It is a beautiful thing to be able to have a clear mind and follow your dreams but we can only do this if we concentrate and stay on the right paths. In order to stay on the right paths we must stay away from any distractions. You see, you owe it to yourself to dig deep within. Why? because concentrating on what you really want will allow your inner power to begin to spark. We should never do things that will make us fail instead we should do things that will make us feel empowered to do the desires of our heart right from ...

Passion and Purpose

                                                        Passion and Purpose What is your passion? We all have something that we are passionate about however it all depends on what it is. It is important to know our purpose for having a specific passion. Oftentimes, the passions we have may not be in our best interest. Therefore, we have to take out time to evaluate our passion so that we wont go down the wrong path when it comes to fulfilling our purpose in life. You may be asking yourself how to achieve this. It is not very hard you take time out to find a quiet place and close your eyes and breathe slow and deep. Allowing yourself to be totally still , by doing this it will help you really dig down deep and find what your passion is and it will also help you find your purpose in this world. Motivationdailylife

Find your Why

                                                   Find your Why by living Minute to Minute Have you ever thought about what your purpose in life is really all about ? We all know that it can be a tough question for some of us.  Most of the time we are too busy and we never really take out the time to find out our why in life. There are many steps to life and if we don't take out the time to really elaborate on our personal why we will missing out on an important step. Start taking control of your daily tasks by  taking  time out of your busy schedule to write down your why, This way you want just be living day to day. You will be living for a purpose and you will have something to look forward to on a daily basis. Instead of just living day to day start living minute to minute. Living minute to minute will help you realize every step thro...

Never say Never!

Have you ever seen someone do something or say something? And you in turn say " I am never gonna do that, or I am never gonna say that? Well we all do it. You have to walk in a person shoes or in their immediate situation to see what it feels like to be put in a Never say Never spot. Just for a minute think about a time when you or a friend has been in a dead in spot in life and you had to dig yourself out of the dirty mud. How did it make you feel? What did you say? What did you do? We never know what we would say or do unless put in that situation so from now on. Never say Never.

Whatever you do don't let anyone still your joy!

In today's world we are all faced with many stressful situations that may come upon us. There may be people who come and go out of our life who we think may be there to lend a helping hand. However the truth is these people are only there to still our joy. We have to stay focused and keep a lock on our hearts and minds and not let these people get to close to us. We have to have pride in ourselves enough to know when someone is there for us or just in the way of our blessings. Blessings are a favor from GOD and we never want people to destroy what we have been given. We need to live in the present because it is a daily gift that we have been given. Always remember that you are not alone in the daily struggle someone somewhere is struggling just like you are!