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Showing posts from January, 2016

Never say Never!

Have you ever seen someone do something or say something? And you in turn say " I am never gonna do that, or I am never gonna say that? Well we all do it. You have to walk in a person shoes or in their immediate situation to see what it feels like to be put in a Never say Never spot. Just for a minute think about a time when you or a friend has been in a dead in spot in life and you had to dig yourself out of the dirty mud. How did it make you feel? What did you say? What did you do? We never know what we would say or do unless put in that situation so from now on. Never say Never.

Whatever you do don't let anyone still your joy!

In today's world we are all faced with many stressful situations that may come upon us. There may be people who come and go out of our life who we think may be there to lend a helping hand. However the truth is these people are only there to still our joy. We have to stay focused and keep a lock on our hearts and minds and not let these people get to close to us. We have to have pride in ourselves enough to know when someone is there for us or just in the way of our blessings. Blessings are a favor from GOD and we never want people to destroy what we have been given. We need to live in the present because it is a daily gift that we have been given. Always remember that you are not alone in the daily struggle someone somewhere is struggling just like you are!