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Showing posts from 2015

Create your own luck

Believe or not you can create your own luck. It is very easy to do. All you have to do look around you and evaluate your current situation. Do you see yourself moving forward ? Or do you see yourself standing in the situation? You might be asking yourself, well how do I create my own luck. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what do you see? It is not by accident that your standing there looking at yourself. Everything about you is luck. There is no rush to living, take your time. Everything that is due to you, you will receive. Reach the stars and the moon there is no end to your beginning.

Focus on the Positive

            We all go through our ups and downs in life, but if we learn to focus on the positive necessities only then will be able to move forward. Oftentimes, we get so stuck on the negative side of this life that we forget about the really matters and that is being happy. Happiness is golden and may not be easy to achieve for some people while others find it very easy. If you find it hard to peace then you need refocus your agenda. There may many times when we focus on what doesn't really matter and that can take us away from the real task at hand and that doing whatever it is necessary to find our happiness and that is by focusing on the positive.

Slice the Pie: Get Paid to Review Music & Share Your Opinions!"

               Turn your love for music and sharing opinions into real cash with Slice the Pie ! Discover new tracks from up-and-coming artists, share your honest reviews, and get rewarded for every insight you provide. It’s not just music—you can also rate fashion, commercials, and more, making it a fun and diverse way to earn extra money. Whether you’re a music enthusiast or just looking for an easy way to make some cash, Slice the Pie offers a unique and rewarding experience. Join today for free and start earning by doing what you love—your opinions matter, and they pay!

Be thankful you were born to win!

                        You were born to win, whenever you are doubtful about a situation in your life always look within yourself and tell yourself you were born to win.  If you cannot find that winning part, take a look in the mirror and look at yourself as a whole.  If you can't find yourself in the mirror then sit down and be thankful that you still have breath in your body to breathe.  If you still can find that winning part then take a look around you and count your blessing one by one.  I can guarantee you will  find the win if you seek the win! It is always someone else who is less fortunate than what you are so be thankful for what you do have and don't worry about what you don't have.

Smile and Keep it Movin!

Tips to Reacting to job Pressure

You must be prepared for the  pressure on the job and the interview and  we can tell you that in order to manage the pressure ,you  should be prepared to discuss the aspects of what your professional life will be like before your interviewer brings it up.  If it is clear to the employer that you are bothered by pressure or even change then that might bring on a negative vibe for you to the employer.  However, by taking a positive stance early on can serve you well. As an employee when you show you can stand the heat it demonstrates your ability to tolerate pressure.  

Powerful Interview Tips

                                                                           Interviewing in today's job market can be very competitive. The first step is to do your research on the company before you go to the interview. When you get the interview be aggressive and enthusiastic. Most companies depend on their employees to have a high energy level and a positive level of commitment. When an employee is aggressive it shows the organization that you are applying your skills and talents in an assertive and positive way. Remember the power of words could make or break your interview!

Our Feelings Begin in the Mind!

The mind can indeed be very tricky.   Our mind can sometimes be so far off that we start to believe any and everything that our minds tells us.  If we are not careful our minds can and will confuse our thought process. Our thoughts can speak to us in a negative and a positive way.  For instance when we feel bad the mind automatically begins to wonder the reason for this bad feeling whether it be a good or bad feeling.  When we have a bad feeling we start to question our mind Why do I feel so bad? The mind quickly goes into stress mode and we start to judge ourselves with harsh thoughts and become self critical and start believing those thoughts.  Our minds can be so distorted it will have us feeling that everyone who crosses our paths will feel the same way we feel about ourselves. But, we very seldom ask the question, why do I feel so good ? We need to practice our thinking awareness which will free us from any u...

The Battle against Fear!

Batteling fear can be very time-consuming . So why do we waste time trying to battle fear?  Our time is precious and we need to spend every waking hour focusing on positive battles such as educating ourselves on positive successful techniques. We should never think that battleing our fear is easy therefore we should not be ashamed of it or feel cowardly because these feelings are no more than an emotional roller coaster for us.  The fear can make you feel up and down.  Yes, it can be that confusing, if you let it.  The fear can make you feel anxious, scared, tired, and maybe even worthless.  But, I am here to tell you that you are bigger and better than any fear that you may be facing today.  You yes You! are more than a concoquer against that small fear so let us just battle it move forward.

Mommy I don't like this!

One day my youngest son and I were walking down the road. My son said to me" Mommy I don't like this" I said to him , "Son what don't you like ?" He said to me the cold "! I said son it is not cold" In fact it was a really nice warm day. My son said " no mommy not the weather but this cold world". I decided to see exactly what he was talking about so I asked more questions. My son said "Mommy I don't like this cold world, people are so quick to give you the cold shoulder. " I said son you just have to become bolder and not colder as you see the world!

Recognize when you are depressed and how to get over the depressive thinking !

We have the ability to recognize when we are depressed and the pleasure to get over the depression only if we recognize and accept the fact that we are depressed in the very beginning . We should not be blind to the fact that our thinking is off balance.  Oftentimes, our thinking can be so distorted or twisted that we cant see the depression but other people like our family members and friends can see it.  It is very easy for us to be in denial because depression can indeed be very tricky.  The depression can sneak in our minds and at that time is time for us to get help if  we cannot get over the depressive thinking on our own.  Remember this, our job is to always stay focus and not get off track with our thinking.  If you feel yourself slipping in the very beginning it is time to take a step back and think about which way you want to go when it comes to depression.  Oh! but that is right we may not be able to realize real depression....

Life as a Poker Game

Looking at life like a poker game can some times be hard. But you always play with the hand your are dealt. The draw of the cards is random and you have no control what so ever of the cards handed to you. However when the game continues you have to make a decision on what you are going to do with each card once you have looked them over, and consider what you have.  In other words you have to play with the health cards you  are dealt with , and some people have good cards, some have ok cards, and some cards that consist of bad health, anxiety, depression, chronic illness, poverty and abuse. Those are just examples, However take in consideration if you keep playing and don't give up you are bound to come out with a good hand of happy, joyful, exciting and loving hand of cards.

A Motivation Prescription for changing Depression

You may think that your situation is helpless. However, the truth is you can feel encouraged today knowing that you are not the only one in this situation of depression. In fact there are indeed a lot of people who are in this situation but they fail to realize it. Motivation is the key prescription to be happy and confront the negative habits head-on which in-turn will bring healing and happiness.

How To Change The Way You Think

what do you see ?  Believe it or not you have the ability to change the way you think, some people may see the image above as a rabbit, while other see a duck. It all starts by refocusing your energy on positive thoughts and removing any negative energy out of your site. While the above image is positive whether you think it is a duck or a rabbit, the thought process is, that there is no right or wrong answer here, it is all about the way your mind sees the image this is the same theory for changing your thinking process.

How to turn Failure into Success

You may be asking yourself, How do I turn my pass failures into success. Let's start by refraining from thinking about or even going back to the past. We do this by revising our thoughts by altering and reconsidering the fact that we want to succeed , next we must refocus our soul and mind so that our success is clear as water so that we can see right through it! If you find that it may be hard to turn your pass failures into success, please do not blame yourself pr someone else. Just keep turning in the right direction your bound to get on the road to success! 

Smile and Keep It Movin'

Throughout life we will have our ups and downs ! However, it is up to us to determine which way our day will begin and end. We have to think positive and smile and keep it movin'.