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Showing posts from May, 2015

Our Feelings Begin in the Mind!

The mind can indeed be very tricky.   Our mind can sometimes be so far off that we start to believe any and everything that our minds tells us.  If we are not careful our minds can and will confuse our thought process. Our thoughts can speak to us in a negative and a positive way.  For instance when we feel bad the mind automatically begins to wonder the reason for this bad feeling whether it be a good or bad feeling.  When we have a bad feeling we start to question our mind Why do I feel so bad? The mind quickly goes into stress mode and we start to judge ourselves with harsh thoughts and become self critical and start believing those thoughts.  Our minds can be so distorted it will have us feeling that everyone who crosses our paths will feel the same way we feel about ourselves. But, we very seldom ask the question, why do I feel so good ? We need to practice our thinking awareness which will free us from any u...

The Battle against Fear!

Batteling fear can be very time-consuming . So why do we waste time trying to battle fear?  Our time is precious and we need to spend every waking hour focusing on positive battles such as educating ourselves on positive successful techniques. We should never think that battleing our fear is easy therefore we should not be ashamed of it or feel cowardly because these feelings are no more than an emotional roller coaster for us.  The fear can make you feel up and down.  Yes, it can be that confusing, if you let it.  The fear can make you feel anxious, scared, tired, and maybe even worthless.  But, I am here to tell you that you are bigger and better than any fear that you may be facing today.  You yes You! are more than a concoquer against that small fear so let us just battle it move forward.

Mommy I don't like this!

One day my youngest son and I were walking down the road. My son said to me" Mommy I don't like this" I said to him , "Son what don't you like ?" He said to me the cold "! I said son it is not cold" In fact it was a really nice warm day. My son said " no mommy not the weather but this cold world". I decided to see exactly what he was talking about so I asked more questions. My son said "Mommy I don't like this cold world, people are so quick to give you the cold shoulder. " I said son you just have to become bolder and not colder as you see the world!

Recognize when you are depressed and how to get over the depressive thinking !

We have the ability to recognize when we are depressed and the pleasure to get over the depression only if we recognize and accept the fact that we are depressed in the very beginning . We should not be blind to the fact that our thinking is off balance.  Oftentimes, our thinking can be so distorted or twisted that we cant see the depression but other people like our family members and friends can see it.  It is very easy for us to be in denial because depression can indeed be very tricky.  The depression can sneak in our minds and at that time is time for us to get help if  we cannot get over the depressive thinking on our own.  Remember this, our job is to always stay focus and not get off track with our thinking.  If you feel yourself slipping in the very beginning it is time to take a step back and think about which way you want to go when it comes to depression.  Oh! but that is right we may not be able to realize real depression....